Delhi Minister Kailash Gahlot has resigned on Sunday from the Aam Adami Party (AAP) and made a sharp comment about the party’s internal policies in his parting message. Gahlot, a prominent member of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s cabinet, criticized the leadership structure, referring to it as “Sheeshmahal,” implying a disconnect between the party’s core leadership and its grassroots members.
Gahlot’s Parting Shot: Leadership Disconnect and Unfulfilled Promises
The move marks a significant shift in the political landscape of Delhi, as Gahlot was seen as a key figure within the Aam Adami Party (AAP).
Gahlot wrote a letter to the party’s national, Arvind Kejriwal.
Yamuna Cleanup and Political Ambitions: The Unkept Promises of AAP
In the resignation letter, Gahlot said today, the AAP face grave challenges. The very value that brought us together to AAP. Political ambitions have overtaken our commitment towards people, leaving many promises unfulfilled. Take for example the YAMUNA, which we had promised to transport into a clean river, but got around to doing it. Now “The Yamuna River is perhaps even more pollution than before.”
Apart from this, now there are many embarrassing and awkward controversies like the ‘SHEESHMAHAL‘, which are now making everyone double whether we still believe in being the “AAM AADMI“.
It is now obvious that Delhi cannot happen if the Dehli Government spends the majority of its time fighting with the Centre. I find myself left with no option but to step away from AAP and hence I resign from the primary membership of the Aam Adami Party.
Gahlot, 50, is the jat leader who is from the mitraon village in Delhi. He is one of the rare AAP politicians who was born and brought up in Delhi. He joined the AAP before the 2015 Assembly elections and won the Najafgarh seat by a thin margin of 1,540 votes. He would go on to win the seat again in 2020 by over 6,000 votes.
BJP Responds: Gahlot’s Resignation as a Reflection of AAP’s Failures
The BJP was quick to respond to Mr Gahlot’s announcement. Party spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said Mr Gahlot has detailed how ” Aam Adami Party has become a special Aadmi Party “. They have broken all the promises they made to people. AAP has become Arvind Aadmi party.Their leader has expired them.”
Delhi BJP President Virendraa Sachdeva said Gahlot has shown the mirror to Kejriwal and told him that he does not want to be a part of Arvind Kejriwal and his “lootera gang”. Kailash Gahlot has taken a very courageous step and we appreciate this.
Gahlot’s Legacy: A Key Leader Who Helped Shape AAP’s Growth
Gahlot was a senior Aam Adami Party (AAP) leader and a prominent political figure in Delhi. He had served as a cabinet minister in the Delhi government, handling key portfolios such as Transport, Revenue, Law and IT.
The exit of a senior minister such as Kailash Gahlot given that AAP had entrusted him with key portfolios such as Home and Finance is a big ahead of the Dehli Assembly polls, due early next year. Kejriwal has stepped down as Chief Minister after the Supreme Court granted him bail following his arrest in a corruption case. He has said he will take up the Chief Minister role only after the “people’s verdict”.Ms Atishi has now taken over as Chief Minister.